Application Value Of Structural Reinforcement Technology

Application Value Of Structural Reinforcement Technology

Structural Reinforcement

In the process of designing a building, it is necessary to check the stability and durability of the building. When the structural bearing capacity is insufficient, how to strengthen the stability and durability of the building becomes the main factor to be considered in the design of the building structure.

Construction Technology of Building Structure Reinforcement

1 Evaluation of the original structure

On-site inspection of the original building structure, appropriate sampling and testing if necessary, and relevant testing work should be carried out by professional quality inspection units. According to the original bearing capacity of the building and the actual situation, comprehensive consideration should be given to select a reasonable structural reinforcement method.

2 Bonding new and old concrete

Partial reinforcement methods, such as the enlarged section reinforcement method, require good bonding between the old and new concrete to be stressed as a common body. If the strength value of the original concrete is low, it is easy to cause brittle failure, and it is difficult to form a good bond at the interface between the new and the old concrete. In order to ensure the cohesiveness of the old and new concrete, the strength of the newly added concrete should be reasonably determined according to the actual project, and the original concrete should be chiseled first, and the interface agent should be reasonably applied before pouring.

3 Wall reinforcement 

For damaged or loose parts of the wall, reasonable removal can be carried out, and then cement mortar is selected for repair. For wall cracks, grouting technology can be used to fill.

4 Reinforcing

It is necessary to confirm the qualified position of the rebar, and then implement the drilling, and effectively clear the hole to avoid affecting the performance of the rebar. The planting reinforcement stirrups must use special structural adhesive for planting reinforcement, and it is not allowed to use structural adhesive or cement mortar that has not been tested for performance.

5 Dynamic management

During the structural reinforcement process, the construction is organized in strict accordance with the technical specifications for the reinforcement of building structures. The whole process of construction is supervised, and the construction site conditions are reported to the designers in a timely manner, and the reinforcement plan is modified according to the actual situation if necessary.

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Application Value Of Structural Reinforcement Technology

1.1 Security value

Because the building is located in the external environment, the building quality will be directly affected by the environment. Whether it is the accuracy of geological analysis or the professional level of construction, it will affect the quality of the building. The reduction of building quality will increase the probability of cracks and deformation of load-bearing components in the building, and the safety of building construction will also decrease. The rational application of structural reinforcement technology can improve the stability and reliability of the building structure, thereby ensuring the safety of people's lives and property.

1.2 Management value

Due to the dynamics and autonomy of structural reinforcement technology, building construction personnel need to make reasonable use of construction technology and management technology according to the actual construction situation. The efficient use of structural reinforcement technology can not only consolidate the quality foundation of the project, but also prolong the service life of the building. The development of structural reinforcement technology can also enhance the sustainable development and use of related technologies to a certain extent.

1.3 Economic value

In the actual application of structural reinforcement technology, building materials need to be used, and among many building materials, steel bars are used as high-performance materials, and their rational use can improve the safety indicators of housing construction. Compared with the traditional reinforcement construction mode, the important link of structural reinforcement is set to increase the volume and weight of the building, and the rational use of structural reinforcement technology such as steel bars and other high-performance materials has many advantages. It can not only improve the stability of the house, but also reduce the loss of materials, improve the use efficiency of materials, effectively reduce construction costs, and obtain higher economic value.

To sum up, the types of technologies used in the reinforcement and construction of building structures have been diversified, and a variety of techniques have both strong practicability and construction efficiency, and the reinforcement technology is becoming more and more mature in practice. Nowadays, with the continuous development of urbanization, the requirements for the reinforcement technology of building structures in the construction field are constantly increasing. According to the actual construction engineering, fully learn from the advanced structural reinforcement technology at home and abroad, scientifically select the reinforcement method suitable for the project, and rationally use the reinforcement technology, which is an important guarantee for the safety and stability of the building structure. It will help to promote the sustainable and stable development of the housing construction industry.

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