Application Of Seismic Reinforcement Design In Structure

Application Of Seismic Reinforcement Design In Building Structure

1 Application of seismic reinforcement design in buildings

1.1 The background and significance of applying seismic reinforcement design in buildings

In terms of seismic resistance of building structures, my country's construction industry has experienced countless changes and migrations from undefended to fortified architectural design ideas, which to a large extent reflects the progress of society. At the same time, it also created a complex situation of diversification of building types in various dynasties in our country, and varied conditions. my country is located in an area prone to earthquake disasters, and has the characteristics of high earthquake frequency, wide distribution, and high intensity. At present, buildings all over the world adopt the three-level fortification principle to a large extent, that is, "small earthquakes are not damaged, moderate earthquakes are repaired, and large earthquakes are not collapsed." The basic goal of this theory is to ensure the safety of people’s lives and property. It has achieved great results in practical engineering applications, effectively ensuring people’s losses in the event of an earthquake. However, the high-intensity earthquakes that occurred in the 1970s brought huge losses of life and property to people, and people had to re-understand the relationship between seismic engineering standards, economics and structural safety.

1.2 Basic ideas of seismic reinforcement technology

A large amount of manpower, material resources and economic support are indispensable factors for seismic reinforcement. In order to achieve the expected seismic effect and achieve the best level of reinforcement under very limited resources, the seismic reinforcement design must be optimized. And improve the existing reinforcement technology. Construction engineers are required to conduct site inspections and evaluate the reinforcement schemes based on actual engineering conditions to select the most reasonable and effective reinforcement methods. At the same time, it is necessary to comprehensively consider various factors such as safety, economy, and reasonableness to minimize the investment of the project and reduce the workload of the project.

2 Several basic methods of seismic reinforcement technology

Combining the actual situation in the project, the design of reinforcement methods in earthquake resistance can be divided into seismic isolation reinforcement, energy dissipation and seismic reinforcement and passive control seismic reinforcement. That is to increase the structural period, increase the structural damping, and reduce the low-order mode of vibration at the same time.

3 Seismic reinforcement design aimed at performance

3.1 Theoretical concept of seismic reinforcement design with performance as the goal

At this stage, performance-based seismic design concepts in the world mainly focus on seismic performance evaluation and structural performance target determination. The performance level of the structure is mainly level three or four, such as the level of structural damage, the level of life safety, and the level of ensuring the use of functions. The life safety level is the performance level that does not cause the floor to collapse under the action of an earthquake. The structural damage level is the performance level of the building structure without structural crisis and damage when an earthquake occurs, and the subsequent use function of the building structure can be guaranteed. The performance that does not deform the building's functional use under the action of an earthquake is called ensuring the functional level. The multi-level seismic design standards are mostly level three and four, which echo the above-mentioned performance-oriented seismic design multi-level standards. The more typical one is that the design level is the effect of earthquakes occurring during the reference period of the building structure. At the same time, after a lot of field research, the engineers mentioned the calculation methods that are applicable to different stages, and the scope of use of various calculation methods, such as the elastic analysis method and its applicable scope and other restrictions.

3.2 Application of performance-oriented seismic reinforcement design theory in practice

3.2.1 Fortify at multiple levels

A large number of studies and experiments have shown that the multi-level approach is the most used in the theoretical concept of seismic reinforcement design with performance as the goal. According to various factors such as energy level and return period, earthquake fortification levels can be divided into large earthquakes, moderate earthquakes and small earthquakes. This classification is similar to the prevailing seismic design codes and methods, but there are also differences. The goal of performance-oriented seismic reinforcement design is composed of people’s property and personal safety.

3.2.2 Comprehensive analysis and flexible choice

Seismic reinforcement requires comprehensive consideration of multiple factors, selection of feasible fortification targets based on actual conditions, and design in accordance with pre-made plans to achieve the expected goals. The structure-based seismic reinforcement design sets the minimum allowable values of some important parameters. At the same time, it can give designers more design flexibility and meet the needs of use to the greatest extent. While realizing earthquake and disaster resistance, it is also conducive to the promotion of new technologies and materials.

4 Conclusion

Reinforcing the structure of the building under the current technical conditions can effectively reduce the potential safety hazards to people and property caused by earthquakes. There are many applications of reinforcement technology in earthquake-resistant structures, and reasonable choices need to be made according to actual conditions to minimize earthquake disasters to the greatest extent, while ensuring the safety of property and life.

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